Career Highlights
Career Summary
Selected key roles: As a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories, Joe worked with the Departments of Defense, Energy, and Interior, and the NNSA. During his 31-year career he served for over a decade as the Chief Process Officer of an organization of 400 software engineers which was awarded a SW-CMM® Level 3. He continued in that role to CMMI® Level 4 until his departure. Joe is a Past President of the International Function Point Users Group, an Honorary Fellow, and the Editor of MetricViews, IFPUG’s semi-annual technical journal.
As an enabler and educator: . . . is an Authorized Training Partner with VMEdu, a Scrum Certified Trainer and Agile Coach with SCRUMstudy with over 80 published books, papers, conference presentations and keynotes including contributions to the books: The IFPUG Guide to IT and Software Measurement (2012), IT Measurement, Certified Function Point Specialist Exam Guide, The Economics of Software Quality, and his recently released Aligning People and Culture for Agile Transformation. He has taught over 100 college courses in software engineering and strategic decision making; 75 of those at the graduate level. Joe has facilitated ~200 teams in the areas of software specification, team building, organizational planning, and agile transformation.
Lifelong learning: . . . holds nine agile-related certifications: SCT™, SCAC™, SSMC™, SSPOC™, SMC™, SDC™, SPOC™, SAMC™, and SAFe 5. Joe was a CMMI Institute certified Instructor for the Introduction to the CMMI®, a Certified Function Point Counting Specialist, a Certified Software Quality Analyst, and a Lockheed Martin certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. He completed his MS in MIS at the University of Arizona in 1980.
Community & Family: . . . was a licensed girl s mid-school basketball coach in the state of NM for 21 seasons--the last five undefeated, spanning 50 games. He served seven years volunteering in his church's children's choir; eventually called to oversee 150 children and 20 staff. Was appointed to serve on the state of New Mexico's Professional Standards Commission. By "others" he is known as a husband, father, and grandfather.
© 1993 - 2025, Joe Schofield